Monday, September 20, 2004

Times and TV

As most of us are aware by now that Times would be launching a channel by the name of Zoom, which according to me would be nothing but a TV version of its city supplements. How many people would really be interested in watching the lives of celebrities and all that trash

To announce the same , Times even went ahead and advertised it on its Masthead


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A site dedicated to the exploits of the Times of India and its city supplements?

Now THAT'S chicken soup for cerebal stimulation! You guys must really have a lot of time on your hands. Then again, you're a bunch of 19-year-old engineering students.

I rest my case.

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A site dedicated to the Times of India and its supplements?

Now THAT'S chicken soup for cerebal stimulation. You guys must really have a lot of time on your hands! Then again, you're probably a bunch of 20-something engineering students.

I rest my case.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Kunal said...

The anonymous post proves that PT staff has read this blog!

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly you would not believe a lot of people will be interested in that kind of trash.

MTV already has its Crib series which goes on to the bedrooms of these celebrities.

So no matter how much u crib these Crib shows will be a hit with the youngstas

Peace dude

raghavan krishnamachary

10:25 PM  
Blogger Nikhil said...

Why shouldn't the censor board take TV channels like the Zoom under their purview? If they are already griping about the FTV etal?

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:45 AM  

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